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Dominion DX Group
P.O. Box 29334
Richmond, VA 23242

About Our Club
It took over two years of breakfasts, informal meetings and interactions before the Dominion DX Group had its inaugural meeting at a home in King William County in November 2002.

The original concept that led to the formation of the DDXG began around 1996, when Becky KS4RX, found her interest in amateur radio to lie in helping others who were struggling, as she had, to learn the Morse code and upgrade their licenses for HF privileges. She began to invite new Tech Plus hams from the testing sessions to practice CW with her on the air.

During this same time period Becky and her OM, Tony KC4AUF, were trying to entice new hams to advance beyond 2-meter repeater conversation in other ways. A number of radio events were held, including; a "Lark In The Park,” a VHF/UHF contest station in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and a closed radio net for hams who wanted to expand their horizons in amateur radio, called "The Elmer Hour."

Designed to expose hams to the more technical aspects of the hobby and help them expand their horizons, many people dropped by the outdoor events and listened in to the nets, reaping the benefits, either directly or indirectly.

Study groups and code practice groups emerged, as well as DXing, contesting, and DXpeditions. These activities and a school/ARISS and Field Day public event all became staples of the new group of hams.

While Richmond had an assortment of general interest and specialty radio clubs, there was a void with regard to DXing and Elmering. On October 19, 2002, the first DDXG meeting took place. The seven charter members of the DDXG were present: Guy Carlsen K4CNF, Becky Day KS4RX, Tony Day KC4AUF, Dave Kiefer N4DWK, Andrew Slater K4PUF, Parke Slater N4KFT, and Rob Smith K4MAU. At the December meeting Guy K4CNF became the club's first president.

The Dominion DX Group members come from all walks of life and have interests as varied as their personalities. The commonality, however, is dedication without compromise to ensure the future of the Amateur Radio Service.